With the current Newcastle Covid outbreak, the surf school please asks that, IF YOU are unwell and showing any flu-like symptoms please don’t book in for a lesson.
At Philippa Anderson Surf School we have the necessary protocols in place to keep the community and surfers safe and have the authority from Surfing NSW to run surf lessons.
Covid safe protocols have been put into place at the school:
- ALL instructors are vaccinated
- Staff adopting good hand hygiene
- Wiping down all surfboards before and after each lesson
- BYO wetsuit and sunscreen if possible
- Only one staff dispensing sunscreen and sanitiser to participants (limiting touching of the bottles)
- Participants to use hand sanitiser before and after each lesson
- Encouraging participants to arrive in their swimwear and limit the use of change rooms
All equipment used at the Philippa Anderson Surf School is cleaned and sanitised for each and every participant.
THANK YOU – Philippa Anderson Surf School Team